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# Me
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:01, archived)
# YAY!!!!!
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:01, archived)
# I'm here
though I just dropped in to say goodnight.

sod pud scheduler. I'm tired and I've been at it for 14 hours, except when I've been here.
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:02, archived)
# hee hee night night you
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:03, archived)
# night
I had hoped to keep going to bed at 3 or 4 am uk time like I had been while I was there, but I seem to be drifting back towards going to sleep 4 or 5 here time.

not good for school and work
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:05, archived)
# I've only slept about 4-5 hours this weekend
I don't know why I just don't want to sleep.
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:08, archived)
# I don't like the fact that I have to sleep
but I really enjoy actually doing it. I wish I could get by on less
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:10, archived)
# It seems like a waste of time to me.
Especially when I have such awful nightmares a lot of the time.
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:17, archived)
# I don't have nightmares
just really really weird dreams.
The closest I had to a nightmare in recent times was one dream where I had to hack an old lady to pieces with a kitchen knife, and another one where I killed 5 short weird almost child like people by kicking them to death.
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:25, archived)
# That is seriously f*cked up! dude
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:31, archived)
# Yeah, well
the old granny one was part of a post apocalypse start dream, and she came after me with a knife and an axe "along with 2 other pople i'd already killed" and I had to slowly hack her to bits, and she wouldn't die until she was completley hacked up, she just tried to bleed over me as much as she could.
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:49, archived)
# I really hope it was a dream
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:51, archived)
# Hehehe
The little folk one was weirder.
I was up in my garage working on something, for some reason i saw these 5 people walk past teh garage and go into my house.
For no apparent reason I kicked the first two to death in my hall, a third one in the kitchen, and the fourth one in the kitchen wouldn;'t die, so i got a plank of wood and beat it to death with that.
The fifth one was like some old frail person, and it was standing int eh doorway to my living room. I kicked it, it went flying across teh room and hit a table in the corner, and died when it hit it.

The most worrying thing is these two dreams happened on consecutive nights, so I htink something might of been worrying me then, or something.

edit: My dreams are usually weirder than this, but dont normally involve death.
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:55, archived)
# Good work you
you doth rock for taking that task upon yourself.
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:05, archived)
# I'm not putting how to login on the board yet
but if you can figure it out for yourself, go ahead


to see what we've been doing so far
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:07, archived)
# I jsut worked out
I've been here since about March 22nd, as that's when the T-Shirt challenge started, and that's when I started lurking.
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:02, archived)
# Anything new to exhibit?
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:02, archived)
# Not really
been chatting with a friend most the night, no 'shopping from me.
I've been having a hummus drought this weekend.
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:04, archived)
# I've had a couple of months of that unfortunately
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:06, archived)
# I had a few months of it
but that was more it being put into flash, i'd used my humus rations as far as photoshop was concerned.
As such I've gotten out of practice.
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:08, archived)
# Yeah me too. I spent ages working with Flash
with very little results, I got bored and stopped doing anything. I concentrated on my music for a while and wrote a few songs, now I can't shop anymore. :(
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:10, archived)
# hmm
I can't remember exactly when I started lurking. maybe if I went and looked through the challenges
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:04, archived)
# I was around since the 1950s health warnings
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:06, archived)
# from
about October 10th then.
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:07, archived)
# I have a terrible memory for
chronology like that, so I'd have to go look and see which one I remember that came first.

I started posting about my spring break last year, so there's that...
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:08, archived)
[challenge entry] and there doesn't seem to be
a single entry on this page...
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:10, archived)
# I've been here
since the beginning of January then, which is about right. Hats of the future.

Right after I came back from visiting my parents and skived of work for the rest of winter break.
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:13, archived)
# he he
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:17, archived)
# I was around since either lurking in garden or dr. who people
I think I must have started the day it changed over

I registered in the late for work challenge with a bad paintmashed entry
(, Sun 31 Aug 2003, 7:54, archived)