in fact i was reading an interview with a faily well known professional designer/animator who said that he uses mainly Photoshop 3, because it does all the things the later versions do but processes quicker, if that makes sense! :)
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Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:30,
in fact i was reading an interview with a faily well known professional designer/animator who said that he uses mainly Photoshop 3, because it does all the things the later versions do but processes quicker, if that makes sense! :)

I was working with 3 when I first learned how to do all this stuff, and when we upgraded to 4 is actually increased our jobtime between 50 and 120%, depending on what was needed to be done!
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Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:32,

one finds the best way to use it, their favourite tools and stick to that - it's usually on a need to know basis anyway that you figure out photoshop...
(i think i said this already sometime this week on the board... apologies if i am boring anyone).
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Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:33,
(i think i said this already sometime this week on the board... apologies if i am boring anyone).

that he only used Flash 4. Don't know about now though.
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Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:35,

mx fucks with my head.
I say if you are comfortable using something then there's not that much need to upgrade just for the sake of it.
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Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:38,
I say if you are comfortable using something then there's not that much need to upgrade just for the sake of it.

i have 7 but i don't see any difference, except for this so called "healing brush" which to my mind is just the clone tool in disguise, i like the clone tool :)
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Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:32,

I also like layer masking with paintbrush set to 5%.
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Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:33,

it was the first thing they taught on my course, i couldn't figure it out then, and I've not needed to since!
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Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:34,