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# Another one -
My girlfriedn and I cooked a birthday cake for myself once. We went a bought a non-stick cake tin specially for the occasion.

Whilst leaving the oven to warm up, I was assigned egg beating duty - however it was a really stormy day and the eggs took forever to get all fluffy. It took about 40 minutes to get the egg mixture ready.

Anyway, poured it into the cake tin, stuck it in the oven and started to walk away.

Almost immediately smoke started pouring from the oven. She opened the door and removed a cremated cake and then tried to turn off the oven. The knobs crumbled into dust.

The thermostat in the oven had gone and it had been getting hotter, and hotter and hotter all the time it took to get the mixture ready. By the time we put the cake in it was hot enough to melt the non-stick coating off the tin - there were little globules of metal on top of the carbonised cake.

We had to pull the fuse to the oven to get it to turn off as it was plugged into the wall behind the oven housing, and there was no way I was reaching back there.

Must search the net for the melting point of teflon to see how hot it actually got...
(, Thu 9 Oct 2003, 9:32, archived)
# About 300 Celcius

/Edit: All you ever wanted to know about Teflon but didn't care about at all...
(, Thu 9 Oct 2003, 10:08, archived)
# blimey
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 0:36, archived)