ate half of his leather jacket and then leapt to it's death off the balcony, and was discovered the next day in a gutter, simultaneously broken and bloated. as my mates sister was pretty young at the time she was told he had run away.
skip forward about seven years, and i'm hanging out with my mate and his sister - now a young lady (and totally hot too but that's beside the point). we're all chatting about various memories from when we were younger and i remember this story, reminding the two of them of it in excruciating detail. i then notice the upset expression on the sister's face and realise what i've done. oops.
what a shit story.
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Wed 15 Oct 2003, 11:26,
skip forward about seven years, and i'm hanging out with my mate and his sister - now a young lady (and totally hot too but that's beside the point). we're all chatting about various memories from when we were younger and i remember this story, reminding the two of them of it in excruciating detail. i then notice the upset expression on the sister's face and realise what i've done. oops.
what a shit story.

It just stood yelping on an upstairs windowledge, hind legs still in the house.
the neighbours were shouting for it to go inside (which is what woke me up in the first place). it then took a step back, launched itself out of the window and went head first through a greenhouse roof.
that really confused me after a long weekend of verly little sleep and various excesses. i had to ask my bro if it really happened or if i imagined it...

When I was a kid, about 5 or 6, we had some rabbits and one day I was poking one or something and it bit me, really hard, and nearly took the very top of my finger off. I've still got the scar.
Anyway, next day my dad tells me it's run away to live in the woods. Being young, I believed him.
For some reason I believed him for the next 18 years. Until, one day, pets come up in conversation around the dinner table and mention is made of that rabbit. I say something about it running away after it had bitten me. "Oh, you still believe that?" asked dad. "I was so upset it had bitten you, and by the amount of pain you were in, the next morning I wrung its neck and burried it in the garden. Then we told you it had run away to live in the woods".
Now, I was somewhat shocked but, in an odd way, a little pleased. It's nice to know that your dad would kill to protect you from harm.
In an interesting twist, not long after that my ex girlfriend ran away to live in the woods.
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Wed 15 Oct 2003, 13:13,
Anyway, next day my dad tells me it's run away to live in the woods. Being young, I believed him.
For some reason I believed him for the next 18 years. Until, one day, pets come up in conversation around the dinner table and mention is made of that rabbit. I say something about it running away after it had bitten me. "Oh, you still believe that?" asked dad. "I was so upset it had bitten you, and by the amount of pain you were in, the next morning I wrung its neck and burried it in the garden. Then we told you it had run away to live in the woods".
Now, I was somewhat shocked but, in an odd way, a little pleased. It's nice to know that your dad would kill to protect you from harm.
In an interesting twist, not long after that my ex girlfriend ran away to live in the woods.

this dog was very sucidal. they were going on vacation and the only place they dcould keep it was on the porch balcony, so they tied the leash to one of the rungs.......
stupid thing hung itself when it tried to jump off. gave us a good laugh, they were'nt too amused
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Wed 15 Oct 2003, 18:00,
stupid thing hung itself when it tried to jump off. gave us a good laugh, they were'nt too amused