computer pranks
Our 6th form network guy was completely useless.
Net send was enabled throughout the 800-computer strong network - big school - and it only took me so long to figure out how to send the same message to the entire school. The word was spread, and it didn't take long before you were logging on and finding several messages popping up to greet you - some teachers even got threatened :)
A few of us also changed the 'waiting to login' desktop background of every computer we ever logged in on to something offensive.
I filled the entire public harddrive with over a gig of sega mega drive roms - literally every computer in the library had Sonic playing at one point.
And the amount of 'FUNGAME.bat' files we left on C: drive that attempted to delete the entire contents of C:\system32\ was proposterus.
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Fri 24 Oct 2003, 18:37,
Net send was enabled throughout the 800-computer strong network - big school - and it only took me so long to figure out how to send the same message to the entire school. The word was spread, and it didn't take long before you were logging on and finding several messages popping up to greet you - some teachers even got threatened :)
A few of us also changed the 'waiting to login' desktop background of every computer we ever logged in on to something offensive.
I filled the entire public harddrive with over a gig of sega mega drive roms - literally every computer in the library had Sonic playing at one point.
And the amount of 'FUNGAME.bat' files we left on C: drive that attempted to delete the entire contents of C:\system32\ was proposterus.
Not fantastic, but it worked.
when I was about 14 on halloween, my mum had borght a load of sweets for the trick or treaters. 99% of those who usually came where arsewipes who we dispised and most of the village hated to. We, being me and my sister desided too keep the sweets so I his under the front door window with this fucking scary old man head mask and fake green fingers on. Every time someone knocked i jumped up smacking my hand on the glass. It made everyone jump but worked beautifully on a girl I particually hatted who screamed and ran off.....bitch
next day we were sick of too much sweets.oh well
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Fri 24 Oct 2003, 20:31,
next day we were sick of too much sweets.oh well
This one is one of those that you regret straight away afterwards, then laugh about it later...
I was over my girlfriends house and she had just got back from a costal resort in Tenby. My present - a large stick of seaside rock. I said my thanks and started to eat it. Only to find that it was anniseed, which I hate. I needed to find a way to get rid of it without eating it or causing offence. One of my long-term, but most annoying friends popped around to see us. He was greeted by me answering the door and stabbing him in the forehead, with the rock. At least I thought It was his forehead.. we then spent four hours in A&E, while they removed the stick of rock from his eye. It was lucky that he didnt go blind. At least I didnt have to eat the rock. LOL
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Fri 24 Oct 2003, 21:39,
I was over my girlfriends house and she had just got back from a costal resort in Tenby. My present - a large stick of seaside rock. I said my thanks and started to eat it. Only to find that it was anniseed, which I hate. I needed to find a way to get rid of it without eating it or causing offence. One of my long-term, but most annoying friends popped around to see us. He was greeted by me answering the door and stabbing him in the forehead, with the rock. At least I thought It was his forehead.. we then spent four hours in A&E, while they removed the stick of rock from his eye. It was lucky that he didnt go blind. At least I didnt have to eat the rock. LOL
Using msn messengers remote access and b3ta's buffy swears. It was always fun to watch tutors at college shit when computers no one was sitting at (with the monitors turned off and keyboards removed so it looked like it was switched off) would start to scream stuff like QUIM, MINGE and ZEBRA BASTARDS!!!
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Fri 24 Oct 2003, 21:51,
I MUST know how to do that.
Woo! Yay! Houpla for your shenanigans!
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Fri 24 Oct 2003, 22:16,
i'm inspired too. Tell us all how you achieve this wonderful prank
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Sat 25 Oct 2003, 2:40,
the joys of net send
Seeing the net send being left on has reminded me about an incident in my first year at Aberystwyth uni, and it's inspired me to stop lurking and register.
As bored first year computer science students we used to use net send quite often to send insulting messages to people. It was never sent to lecturers or sstuff like that since the message body always contained "Message from (whoever was logged on) at (the time they sent it)". However, some bright spark must have looked up some documentation on it and realised that instead of typing "net send (login) (message)" you could type "net send * (message)" and the message would come up on everyone's computers in the room. There were only a few people in the computer rooms at the time, and they had a great laugh swearing at each other for a few minutes.
Problem was, net send * actually sent the message to everybody who was logged in, all across the campus. Computer rooms, library, halls of residence, lecture theatres where the lecturers were using powerpoint (ie most of them)... the subsequent traffic was enourmous and caused a good few problems for a couple of minutes, as well as some very confused lecturers.
The 3 involved got their accounts suspended for a while and a severe bollocking by all sorts of people, and I think I remember somebody telling me they were fined too, but that sounds a bit suspicious... Anyhow, net send was swiftly axed.
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Sat 25 Oct 2003, 14:55,
As bored first year computer science students we used to use net send quite often to send insulting messages to people. It was never sent to lecturers or sstuff like that since the message body always contained "Message from (whoever was logged on) at (the time they sent it)". However, some bright spark must have looked up some documentation on it and realised that instead of typing "net send (login) (message)" you could type "net send * (message)" and the message would come up on everyone's computers in the room. There were only a few people in the computer rooms at the time, and they had a great laugh swearing at each other for a few minutes.
Problem was, net send * actually sent the message to everybody who was logged in, all across the campus. Computer rooms, library, halls of residence, lecture theatres where the lecturers were using powerpoint (ie most of them)... the subsequent traffic was enourmous and caused a good few problems for a couple of minutes, as well as some very confused lecturers.
The 3 involved got their accounts suspended for a while and a severe bollocking by all sorts of people, and I think I remember somebody telling me they were fined too, but that sounds a bit suspicious... Anyhow, net send was swiftly axed.