but I do believe some people are more receptive to spiritual activity than others.
When my darling grandma died last year, I was 6,000 miles away and mum called to say she'd died. Obviously I couldn't get home for the funeral, so on that day I woke up at 3am and headed to the beach at 4am.
Mum had emailed me the order of service and the program and stuff, so I was able to follow it fairly accurately.
I had with me a couple of candle, a blanket (it was cold!) a picture of dear grandma and flowers.
Round about the time when I figured the prayers were, I threw the flowers in the sea.
Towards the end of the service, the sun was coming up and a bunch of seagulls landed on the seashore - on the waterline. One of them couldn't fly anymore and the tide was coming in. I sat with that seagull until he drowned (there was NOTHING I could do for him - I even called 911)...which was the same time the service came to an end.
I maintain to this day that that seagull was there for ME, and was taking a message to my beloved granny.
Other stuff:
When something bad is going to happen to either me or someone close to me, I get this really horrid feeling of despair about an hour beforehand - it's totally overwhelming and usually has me in tears...and then something bad happens.
It's gotten to the point where I will call those I love and tell them I have 'that feeling', and yeah, an hour or so later, something happens - the most horrible one was when my best friends parents were killed last year.
Also, the sleep thing. I have severe nightmares and can't wake up, usually they're about 'demons' chasing me, and I have lucid dreams (I dream in colour and can change them) but when I have one of these nightmares I can't wake up.
And I can usually tell who's calling before the phone rings, or can tell who's going to be off sick from work that day. My man gets mad at me because he'll plan a 'special surprise' and I'll tell him what it is.
Oh, and cheesy as it sounds, when I'm down about something I usually smell lavendar..which was granny dears favourite flower.
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Tue 28 Oct 2003, 2:33,
When my darling grandma died last year, I was 6,000 miles away and mum called to say she'd died. Obviously I couldn't get home for the funeral, so on that day I woke up at 3am and headed to the beach at 4am.
Mum had emailed me the order of service and the program and stuff, so I was able to follow it fairly accurately.
I had with me a couple of candle, a blanket (it was cold!) a picture of dear grandma and flowers.
Round about the time when I figured the prayers were, I threw the flowers in the sea.
Towards the end of the service, the sun was coming up and a bunch of seagulls landed on the seashore - on the waterline. One of them couldn't fly anymore and the tide was coming in. I sat with that seagull until he drowned (there was NOTHING I could do for him - I even called 911)...which was the same time the service came to an end.
I maintain to this day that that seagull was there for ME, and was taking a message to my beloved granny.
Other stuff:
When something bad is going to happen to either me or someone close to me, I get this really horrid feeling of despair about an hour beforehand - it's totally overwhelming and usually has me in tears...and then something bad happens.
It's gotten to the point where I will call those I love and tell them I have 'that feeling', and yeah, an hour or so later, something happens - the most horrible one was when my best friends parents were killed last year.
Also, the sleep thing. I have severe nightmares and can't wake up, usually they're about 'demons' chasing me, and I have lucid dreams (I dream in colour and can change them) but when I have one of these nightmares I can't wake up.
And I can usually tell who's calling before the phone rings, or can tell who's going to be off sick from work that day. My man gets mad at me because he'll plan a 'special surprise' and I'll tell him what it is.
Oh, and cheesy as it sounds, when I'm down about something I usually smell lavendar..which was granny dears favourite flower.