to the neighbour from the adjoining terrace one day he says 'is that bloke in you're house a bit weird? I heard gun shots in your house at the weekend and hopped over the fence and took a look in the window, he was dancing round a fire in the middle of the living room floor, in an army uniform, drinking whisky from a bottle and firing a gun in the air'
Well at least it expained the burns on the carpet and why my shirts and hi-fi were burnt, after he been home alone for the w/e.
Edit: oh and then there was the time I got home early on Sunday morning with a stinking hangover after a party, to find the front door wide open, went in all the furniture in the living room was smashed, the house stunk of fish and there was crab shell everywhere, initially he claimed there'd poltergeists throwing the furniture around the house, but it turned out he'd been attempting to open a crab by hitting it with furniture whilst drunk.
... and he used to spend hours on the phone to the local radio station phone-in number, when there wasn't a phone-in happening, as the crosstalk in the phone system allowed him to talk to other people who were doing the same thing.
. . there may be more to come.
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Mon 17 Nov 2003, 14:41,
Well at least it expained the burns on the carpet and why my shirts and hi-fi were burnt, after he been home alone for the w/e.
Edit: oh and then there was the time I got home early on Sunday morning with a stinking hangover after a party, to find the front door wide open, went in all the furniture in the living room was smashed, the house stunk of fish and there was crab shell everywhere, initially he claimed there'd poltergeists throwing the furniture around the house, but it turned out he'd been attempting to open a crab by hitting it with furniture whilst drunk.
... and he used to spend hours on the phone to the local radio station phone-in number, when there wasn't a phone-in happening, as the crosstalk in the phone system allowed him to talk to other people who were doing the same thing.
. . there may be more to come.

is a joke to be made about 100% kitten here, but i'm too polite to make it
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Mon 17 Nov 2003, 15:08,