The smoke alarms went off because someone had tried to cook Smash by mixing it with cold water and putting it in the toaster.
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Mon 17 Nov 2003, 16:54,

the best reason I ever heard for someone setting off a fire alarm was at uni, about 2/3am and as I passed the porter's office a rather drunk young chap was carefully explaining that he hit the alarm because it had been staring at him for some time...
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Mon 17 Nov 2003, 18:28,

Im a lesbian but now but in my youthful and ignornant college days I was unaware or most probably in denial of this, our course was staying in a swanky hotel, I ended up in a room with a guy, just as we were about to "do it" the fire alarm went off and my virginity was saved, I met the guy who set off the alarm next year at uni and thanked him. Im 32 and just finnished my 2nd degree but am sorry to see the same flat mate nitemares still occur. Always, ALWAYS live on your own whereever possible
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Fri 21 Nov 2003, 23:32,

...I've made that mistake about 10-times now. Why?!?!
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Mon 24 Nov 2003, 13:18,

I went to Plymouth Uni too, but I'm a local so I avoided all that Halls/flatmate shit until my final year, when 4 of us friends from the same course moved into a lovely house together. It was all fine, no nasty habits or anything, the perfect houseshare experience. Except we fell out in the last week of our degree and i've not spoken to them since graduation 2 years ago...
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Tue 18 Nov 2003, 13:28,

on my boyfriends 2nd nite in his student accomodation, he came back to the place pissed out of his head as you do. stupidly, the people who designed the place put the lightswitch next to the fire alarm. it being dark and he being quite out of it, it was an easy mistake to make :) unfortunatly, the entire buildings surrounding it were evacuated and 3 fire engines turned up. the girls in the flat (the guys were ok bout it strangely :S)didnt talk to him for 3 days, and he nearly died of utter embarrassment.
Aaaah how i wish i had been there.
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Tue 18 Nov 2003, 20:12,
Aaaah how i wish i had been there.

decided at 3 am (while stoned) to make a frozen pizza. There was no oven in the kitchen, so he stuck it directly on the disgustingly dirty burners. Fire alarm. 3 am. Two hundrend blind children woken up and scrambled down to the sports court in case we had to evacuate. They fired him a week later, only to find him several days after that living in the loft in cabin 9.
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Tue 18 Nov 2003, 21:10,