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# I've only ever had one really freaky flatmate...
...who was just a touch odd around me. I woke up one day to find all him and all his stuff gone, gave no notice and didnt pay any of the bloody bills - only thing he left was a bunch of half eaten Kitekat tins in his wardrobe.

He didn't have a cat.
Needless to say, I was violently ill at the prospect of eating kittychow. Oh, and pissed cause i got stumped with all the bills and had to fork out his rent for a month til I found a new flatmate... Bastard... sniff....
(, Wed 19 Nov 2003, 15:06, archived)
# Does a 'Shipmate' count?
When i first Joined my first ship with the Navy i was 'appointed a bunk' opposite a chap called Alf.
Alf was a salty old sea dog and had a curtain daped accross the length of his pit so no one could see in. Anyways, laid out in my bunk on my first night trying to sleep, i see Alf's hand emerge from a gap in his curtain and in one fluid movement flung what i later found out to be sperm aimlessley accross the gap between our bunks, half of which landed on my face.
This practice carried on every night, with Alf having a Tug and flinging his babyfat in my general direction. I had to endure this until annother 17 year old joined....then he was subject to the torture and i was considered "one of the boys" and allowed to move bunk. If i saw Alf now, i would kick his fucking head in as im not 17 no more.
(, Wed 19 Nov 2003, 16:01, archived)
# Mother Of God
thats vile! - did he ever ofer you any biscuits?
(, Wed 19 Nov 2003, 16:12, archived)
# No
Soggy biscuits were consumed.
(, Wed 19 Nov 2003, 16:22, archived)
# After spending an age in the toilet
my housemate would enter the lounge beaming and victorious and invite me to take a look at the size of the stool he had just passed.

Once he came in less than jubilant and exclaimed that he had "split his ring."

(, Wed 19 Nov 2003, 16:27, archived)
# that reminds me
my flatmate drank a 2.5ltr bottle of strongbow - i know it doesn't seem like much - but it made his anus gush blood for some reason. Then he insisted on showing us. And telling us about the subsequent visit to a doctor for whom i feel very sympathetic.

which also reminds me that him and my other flatmate used to pick their noses and wipe the contents literally anywhere. There was a whole side of the sofa speckled with little lumps and big discoloured patches on the walls. nice
(, Wed 19 Nov 2003, 17:28, archived)
# After spending an age in the toilet...
I think I knew him - HE didn't live in Bedford did he?

And my stools were much bigger than his, cranberry.
(, Wed 19 Nov 2003, 17:50, archived)