though i suppose he might
have copied it from downloads off of kazaa or soemthing.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis,
Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:49,
that's just greed
it's not like bono is short of a bob or two
The Scone from U.N.C.L.E.,
Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:51,
I hope you made it clear that no matter how many times
he or his pr machine claim that they are the best band in the world I don't believe it - and made him cry
The Scone from U.N.C.L.E.,
Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:53,
he tried to cheer me up by telling me some horribly racist jokes, when i complained at that, he said something about the fact that "they should all go back to their own countries"
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis,
Tue 13 Jan 2004, 1:59,