wait a minute!
*sob* i can't get the pixelmash to animate. no fair! life blows. i liked the other ones though.. specially the one with the viking and the spider
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Sun 1 Feb 2004, 13:40,
*sob* i can't get the pixelmash to animate. no fair! life blows. i liked the other ones though.. specially the one with the viking and the spider
done that
Mozilla is the same as IE6... some gifs animate.. some don't.. i've tried lots of shtuff to make it work but it seems it's pot luck what animates and what doesn't.. ratio of 35/65 working/non working animations. :(
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Sun 1 Feb 2004, 13:46,
Mozilla is the same as IE6... some gifs animate.. some don't.. i've tried lots of shtuff to make it work but it seems it's pot luck what animates and what doesn't.. ratio of 35/65 working/non working animations. :(
does viewing the image on its own work?
drag the image on to the address bar?
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Sun 1 Feb 2004, 13:57,
I made the switch to Opera a while ago, seems to animate everything properly...
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Sun 1 Feb 2004, 14:04,