don't care
i'll love him/her and feed him/her and let him/her dance (and i won't refer to him/her as 'it' no matter how much easier it is to read)
spacefish bong!,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 23:54,
But what will you do,
if the doctor tells you that your baby is too fat and has diabetes?
goat thinks you're shit,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 23:56,
more dance
less food
it's a perfectly regulated system
spacefish bong!,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 23:57,
I see you've planned this well.
Who's going to have the baby? Have you picked the lucky mother?
goat thinks you're shit,
Mon 8 Mar 2004, 23:59,
not yet
but there is time enough for all things in this life
spacefish bong!,
Tue 9 Mar 2004, 0:01,
and there is
time for you and time for me,
and time yet for a hundred indecisions,
and for a hundred visions and revisions,
before the taking of toast and tea.
Tue 9 Mar 2004, 0:05,