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# it's got a point.
(, Mon 8 Mar 2004, 23:48, archived)
# i do!
one that dances
(, Mon 8 Mar 2004, 23:49, archived)
# yay for
fat little dancing babies!
(, Mon 8 Mar 2004, 23:51, archived)
# shameless pearoast
dance kiddie, dance
(, Tue 9 Mar 2004, 0:03, archived)
# You'll spend a fortune on having the furniture fixed.
(, Mon 8 Mar 2004, 23:52, archived)
# don't care
i'll love him/her and feed him/her and let him/her dance (and i won't refer to him/her as "it" no matter how much easier it is to read)
(, Mon 8 Mar 2004, 23:54, archived)
# But what will you do,
if the doctor tells you that your baby is too fat and has diabetes?
(, Mon 8 Mar 2004, 23:56, archived)
# more dance
less food

it's a perfectly regulated system
(, Mon 8 Mar 2004, 23:57, archived)
# I see you've planned this well.
Who's going to have the baby? Have you picked the lucky mother?
(, Mon 8 Mar 2004, 23:59, archived)
# not yet
but there is time enough for all things in this life
(, Tue 9 Mar 2004, 0:01, archived)
# and there is
time for you and time for me,
and time yet for a hundred indecisions,
and for a hundred visions and revisions,
before the taking of toast and tea.
(, Tue 9 Mar 2004, 0:05, archived)
# exactly what i was going to say!
(, Tue 9 Mar 2004, 0:08, archived)
# Yeah
I'm still 'weighting' for it to take effect.
(, Mon 8 Mar 2004, 23:51, archived)
# I got duty free
on holiday. The warnings make it sound so much fun in spanish!
(, Mon 8 Mar 2004, 23:53, archived)