Excuse me if i am wrong
But is not the singular form of octopi octopus?
rabid peanut - s'fucking right,
Tue 9 Mar 2004, 18:34,
mine seems to be a hectopus though
at least you got eight tentacles
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever,
Tue 9 Mar 2004, 18:36,
thats seriously a coincidence. I really did not mean to draw an octopus. I prefer squid.
0800221155 Coldseal windows,
Tue 9 Mar 2004, 18:40,
A friend (a chef)
was once wondering whether calamari were made from octopus or octopi.
I told her they were made from squid.
Syncubus Yarr! Ye'll be walking Planck's Constant! [GMT-5],
Tue 9 Mar 2004, 18:37,
the plural of octopus
is octopodes
so my mate sez
Evil|berT is posting post-hummusly,
Tue 9 Mar 2004, 20:01,