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# at least i can draw more than a black line.
i bet he fired up photoshop just to do that.
(, Mon 5 Apr 2004, 4:22, archived)
# Actually, he also added b3ta.com to the background.
(, Mon 5 Apr 2004, 4:23, archived)
# wow
(, Mon 5 Apr 2004, 4:25, archived)
# We all have to start somewhere
to begin with my stuff was absolutely shit, but because nobody ever slagged my stuff off and put me off, I've carried on and improved, and now a lot of people seem to like my stuff.
You have to give people a chance.
(, Mon 5 Apr 2004, 4:27, archived)
# Well, instead of moaning on
and pissing everybody else off, why don't you go and shop something yourself?
(, Mon 5 Apr 2004, 4:26, archived)
# let's see, shop stuff for b3ta and get moaned at...nah
shop stuff for 90nz0 and get paid...Yep.
(, Mon 5 Apr 2004, 4:30, archived)