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# Don't know.
Perhaps it was shaped like yon majestic crustacean?
(, Tue 27 Apr 2004, 17:44, archived)
# nice..
.. would be handy for holding pencils when yuo aint drawing then...
(, Tue 27 Apr 2004, 17:46, archived)
# True...
...if its little prawny legs worked.
(, Tue 27 Apr 2004, 17:47, archived)
# Would also..
.. be good for tickling the ladies fancy..... I said FANCY!
(, Tue 27 Apr 2004, 17:48, archived)
# Yes...
...but then there's the risk of accidentally depositing roe.

And the smell.
(, Tue 27 Apr 2004, 17:49, archived)
# well if one of you smells like fish
no reason why the other shouldnt smell of crustacean, dont you think?
(, Tue 27 Apr 2004, 17:51, archived)
# Very communal...
...comrade. Collectivised poisson-isation. The party applauds your efforts.

Now off to the gulags with you.

(, Tue 27 Apr 2004, 17:55, archived)