We have something that's even better...
Chips and curried mince!
I kid you not - mince (ie, mince + gravy + carrots etc.) on top of chips with a blob of curry sauce on top.
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Wed 19 May 2004, 13:25,
I kid you not - mince (ie, mince + gravy + carrots etc.) on top of chips with a blob of curry sauce on top.
Oh ok.
On a similar note though, a mere 10 minute walk from where I live you can get the best chips in Belgium.
They are truly awesome.
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Wed 19 May 2004, 13:32,
They are truly awesome.
which is odd considering you live
ina small village in Hampshire.
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Wed 19 May 2004, 13:35,
So you're in Belgium?
May I ask...are you a walloon with a bawoon?
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Wed 19 May 2004, 13:35,
I am actually a Brit
origially from sunny Worthing but have been here for years and love it.
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Wed 19 May 2004, 13:43,