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I can't believe you had a 'moment' with pantseatflyer. You might yet make the b3ta pantheon... /jealous
Stickman_ben ,
Thu 20 May 2004, 10:18,
archived )
They had a moment?
*scratches head*F*cking dandruff.
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV? ,
Thu 20 May 2004, 10:20,
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he seems like a nice chap
GoldenFanjita whistle posse blow! horns crew i can't hear you! ,
Thu 20 May 2004, 10:21,
archived )
What is this moment of which you speak?
magnum ,
Thu 20 May 2004, 10:21,
archived )
i met him yesterday
and spoke to him
GoldenFanjita whistle posse blow! horns crew i can't hear you! ,
Thu 20 May 2004, 10:25,
archived )
I have to say,
you've certainly made an impression in your 11 days here. Isn't it about time you put some stuff in your profile?
Stickman_ben ,
Thu 20 May 2004, 10:26,
archived )
PSF said an entire sentence!
Stickman_ben ,
Thu 20 May 2004, 10:25,
archived )
I'm sure he used to post the ocassional follow up message to his early posts.
Usually in response to "what the fuck is going on?" Never explained himself, and now we all love him for it.
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV? ,
Thu 20 May 2004, 10:30,
archived )
but normally
it's a "yes" or a "no"
Stickman_ben ,
Thu 20 May 2004, 10:30,
archived )
He's quite verbal here , and the mods are telling him off!
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV? ,
Thu 20 May 2004, 10:37,
archived )
Good god
Truely a milestone in B3ta history. He has spoken before, but little beyond 3 words.
magnum ,
Thu 20 May 2004, 10:31,
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oh he talks every now and again
Sunshine Elephant ,
Thu 20 May 2004, 10:31,
archived )
that was a full post! *bows to sunshine elephant* Psf's done a good job of creating a mysterious legend of himself!
Stickman_ben ,
Thu 20 May 2004, 10:33,
archived )
he's in a different timezone
so it might be probably english isn't his first language anyways, and the amount of crap people say to him, i'm not really surprised he doesn't often reply back.
Sunshine Elephant ,
Thu 20 May 2004, 10:34,
archived )
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