In answer to
I'm not bad thanks, although I've had enough of this working lark.
I'm going to live under a tree in Wales.
/bollocks, doesn't linky if you do it like that, it would appear.
furry numnah has returned from the dead (but her profile appears to be mightily fucked),
Tue 1 Jun 2004, 19:38,
Every day's a schoolday, round here. Fnanks for that.
furry numnah has returned from the dead (but her profile appears to be mightily fucked),
Tue 1 Jun 2004, 19:42,
cant do things like that in the title
and yes go take the computer to wales
you will be close to grandma (during termtime)
Giant bunny jumping out like a large happy tourettes rabbit,
Tue 1 Jun 2004, 19:41,
I think it might be a bit wet
but I'll do me best. Will live off the land on mushrooms and berries, in manner of old and wise earth-mother type (but a little bit more showered, obviously).
furry numnah has returned from the dead (but her profile appears to be mightily fucked),
Tue 1 Jun 2004, 19:43,
I would stay where I was.
Better food in the city
Am still trying to avoid moving in with my parents now this uni stuff is over with
Giant bunny jumping out like a large happy tourettes rabbit,
Tue 1 Jun 2004, 19:46,
I dunno.
Am trapped on weird horns of a dilemma at the moment, but may consider having to find somewhere to live if I decide to take action and wrestle said dilemma to the ground.
A tree might look quite attractive, in the right light.
furry numnah has returned from the dead (but her profile appears to be mightily fucked),
Tue 1 Jun 2004, 19:48,