which has a soundproofed room with a booth - which i haven't checked out yet
applehead herp derp,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:07,
i nearly came there
but i didn't like it that much, so i went to APU in cambridge, muchos fun, but I am not really a recording type, i prefer working live sound
Dave - KneHigHbOb talks,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:09,
after i've finished this abortion of a foundation year (kids, don't fuck up your A-levels) i'm going on to a degree called Sound, Light & Live Event Tech. very much live sound and lighting :)
applehead herp derp,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:11,
grr lucky punk
wish i had chosen derby, we don't do any lighting here and its somthing i want to learn.
i managed to do well enough in my a levels so i didn't have to do any foundation stuff woo
Dave - KneHigHbOb talks,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:15,
it really
is shit - but it's a means to an end so it's bearable, lol. the degree course is really good too - probably one of the only courses at Derby where the teaching standards are any good! (except for the bitching hard pure maths i'm told to expect)
applehead herp derp,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:19,