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# Personally I hate Bush
miles more than I hate Blair.

But they can both cock right off as far as I'm concerned.

(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 14:57, archived)
# Well I think...
...That Bush is actually evil. Blair just seems a bit of a twat.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 16:22, archived)
# Bush is evil...
but I hate Blair more for letting Bush rule us by proxy for the last 4 years (and the next 4) by being unable to make a single decision without begging Uncle Dubya's permission first.

I'd hate Bush less, too, if his insane 'War on Terror' (and Blair's assistance thereof) didn't actually *raise* the risk of terror attacks in Britain. If a bomb goes off in London tomorrow, Bush and Blair are to blame. Al-Queda may be the ones to plant it, but Bush and Blair will be to blame.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 17:34, archived)