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# I feel really quite depressed now.

But there's still a hope, a very VERY small one, but still, a hope. Or not.

Cocking hell! Front page!? i never saw that one coming. Cheers mysterious masked front page man.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:05, archived)
# indeed
it could have been so different with kerry in office.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:06, archived)
# Yes, that would really have sucked.
Thank [insert deity] for the wisdom of the American voter.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:07, archived)
# Troll.
Cock off please.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 14:31, archived)
# /coughs on coffee
/wipes it off screen

I hope for your sake you're just being a sarcastic troll. I pitty the fool that thinks Bush is a 'smart choice'.

'Rarely in America is the question asked IS our children learning'

(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 14:34, archived)
# Obviously
He's a stroke victim.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 14:37, archived)
Fuck off, knobhead.

Honestly, Bush supporters.....I've lost faith in Americans.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 17:43, archived)
# whilst kerry wouldn't have been brilliant
he's at least less likely to do really REALLY stupid stuff like, say, decide to invade North Korea.

EDIT: or declare that the Grand Canyon was formed by the Flood. What a pack of fucktards.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:08, archived)
# but that place
needs invading
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:08, archived)
# The Grand Canyon?
Agreed. Those fucking donkeys have been asking for it for years.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:11, archived)
# Arf!
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:13, archived)
# but there's no oil there
so it won't happen
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:16, archived)
# why the fuck not invade north korea?
they need invading.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:10, archived)
# only in the same way that Iraq needed invading
i.e. "competently", and not on a desperately underplanned whim.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:11, archived)
# That made me laugh
out loud.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:12, archived)
# They're gagging for it.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:11, archived)
# those dirty north koreans, look at the way they are dressed
all tarted up in sackcloths, gagging for it i tell you.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:16, archived)
# maybe
he already has plans for it,

the first google image on a search brings up a picture of bushy boy.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:13, archived)
# no oil
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:17, archived)
# but loads
of commies we can burn instead of oil
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:19, archived)
# pffft!
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:24, archived)
# hooray
to bumming commies
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:36, archived)
# OK
Yeah, lets invade North Korea, the only country crazy enough to use nuclear weapons if they get invaded.

Nah, they're better sticking to countries that can't fight back.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:33, archived)
# or
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 14:35, archived)
# stay tuned
you won't have long to wait
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 14:53, archived)
# And the hope is
that I finish a law degree and move to america before they have decided who won Ohio.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:07, archived)
# We're doomed...
...either way.

As an American said:

"With all the talent and ability America has, these two are all it could muster for the voters?"
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:07, archived)
# my thoughts exactly.
but for many reasons kerry would be better:

#1: lesser of 2 evils
#2: he'd be new, it'd take him about a year to get used being a fuckup, so that'd be a year less of destruction.
#3: he can spell, and speak properly.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:09, archived)
# Hmmm
I guess 1 remains to be seen.
He's new so he might fuck up FASTER.
He's American. No Americans speak or spell PROPERLY ;)
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:10, archived)
# Good point
I'm planning a movie about the difference of English and American leaders soon.

*cough serve in a war cough*
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:11, archived)
# at least he comes across as
being at least semi-intellegent, able to string a sentence together and diplomatic.

Bush just comes across as being an arogant, illiterate, incoherant, insensitive donkey.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 14:39, archived)
# You missed
oblivious, ignorant, and messiah complexed. A complete grade A cunt.

Edit: Oh, and bigoted.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 15:11, archived)
# oh yeah
them too.

(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 16:40, archived)
# Sorry to point this out
But using the epithet 'Illiterate' along with 'ar(r)ogant, intell(i)gent, and incoher(e)nt isn't helping your case any.

F7... dude!
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 22:13, archived)
# /sigh


Like my spelling is the big issue.

He's in charge of a whole f***ing country. That's slightly more important.
(, Thu 4 Nov 2004, 17:37, archived)
# He's
got a point though.
(, Thu 4 Nov 2004, 19:18, archived)
# what is wrong
with democracy?
Surely if more people voted for him, then thats it.
I fucking hate Labour, but I don't bleet here non-stop about it.
Anyone who votes labour is a stupid cunt - there you go - about as insightful and clever as most of the anti-bush sentiment here.

Yay for democracy and Woo for Bush.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:08, archived)
# the problem with democracy:
most people are stupid.

(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:10, archived)
# technically
it is 99.8% of all humans are fucking scum.
but you were close.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:13, archived)
# 50% of all people are below average*
*100% Factgasm!
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:21, archived)
# And just over 50% of the American public voted Bush.
Coincidence? I THINK NOT.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 18:30, archived)
# i agree
but we can't make them slaves anymore unless we run a coco plantation on the ivory coast.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:13, archived)
# exactly,
I wonder how many folks know anything more than what they read in whatever flavour of paper they subscribe to in this country.

It just gets on my tits that for some its clearly these days just a politically 'right on' thing to hate Bush.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:15, archived)
# I rarely read papers or watch the news
My hate for bush is simply because, from what i've seen of him, he's a twat.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:21, archived)
# It's sensible as well as being 'right on'.
Or were you suggesting that people should hate someone who isn't such an easy target for hate?

I suppose hating the Dalai Lama would be more of a challenge but I'll carry on hating the monkey looking fucktard that the majority of Americans seem to be stupid enough to vote for, which, by the way, also means that that same majority of americans are actually proud of their staggering level of ignorance.

Kerry may not be much better but at least a load of the people voting for him managed to scrape together enough intelligence to vote AGAINST Bush, not FOR Kerry so 'woo' to those who actually manage to have some sort of World view because they're probably America's only hope.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:24, archived)
# I concur
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:50, archived)
# i voted libertarian
except i'm 15 years old and it was a mock election :(
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 22:54, archived)
# there is a reason it is "right on" to hate bush
in fact there are quite a few
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 17:04, archived)
# b3tan to it
Damn right though. Bush's re-election is only further evidence that the ignoramii are vastly outnumbering the intelligencia in the world. Just look at the proliferation of chavs in todays society. Bloody cogniphobes. There should be a mandatory IQ test before people are allowed to vote.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:21, archived)
# here here
well said
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:23, archived)
# Absolutely
And because most people with half a brain typically don't have children until later life, and the chavs are breeding like rabbits from the age of nine, soon the whole world will be covered in scum with a tiny élite population having to live in a cloud fortress or something.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 14:16, archived)
# aha but the chavs vote how they are told to vote by intelligent people
so in the end democracy wins! sort of.

anyway it's better than having a few uppity cnuggits deciding whats best for everyone.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 17:09, archived)
# Nah
The chavs vote however Rupert Murdoch tells them to.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 18:38, archived)
# The problem gets worse with time
Because the stupid tend to breed faster then the smart. So all the stupid genes end up spreading faster. What needs to happen is an IQ test to breed, someone figure out a way to make that work.

*dreams of elitest oppressive empire with armies of moronic slaves*
(, Thu 4 Nov 2004, 4:33, archived)
# Democracy?
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:11, archived)
# It isn't democracy.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:11, archived)
# here here.
democracy is the winner.

i suggest reading the new edition of national geographical (on news stands from today) which has a nice article on democracy in it.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:12, archived)
# yes democracy would be a nice thing
but we all live in an oligarchy, which is NOT the same thing
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:19, archived)
# Very true. 'American Democracy' is a bit of an oxymoron.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:31, archived)
# ha top link
v. good
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:35, archived)
# 1984
genius. Another George. and oddly, a Blair too.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 15:58, archived)
# What a lot of people don't seem to realise is that
Kerry and Bush have exactly the same views on everything except Kerry is against the war.

To be honest, I think it's a good thing that Bush is in power because we know exactly what kind of things he'll get up to. For all we know, Kerry could actually have been worse.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:10, archived)
# the same argument Iraqis have used for years.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:13, archived)
# Err
Not quite.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 14:41, archived)
# I'm
guessing here, but I think you're quite annoyed ;¬)

(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:11, archived)
# The good thing is
it leaves it clear for Hilary Clinton to stand for the 2008 elections. The chance of having the first female president must be a vote winner. Though maybe the Republicans would put up Condoleeza Rice against her: the first female AND black president.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:14, archived)
# quick!
saw one of Hilary's legs off!
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:15, archived)
# arf!
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 14:44, archived)
# what about a disabled
black lesbian woman?
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:16, archived)
# I think you're misjudging
The popularity of the gay and lesbian vote in the US.
11 States ban gay marriages
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:21, archived)
# With a lisp and a hump?
And no front teeth either!
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:22, archived)
# How about
A fat dsylexic disabled black lesbian vegan illegal immigrant zoroastrianist woman.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 17:47, archived)
# And Condoleeeeza is
waaaay fucking scarier than Bush.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:20, archived)
# fuck her
and her silver bullets

(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:22, archived)
# i've always said
condoleeza rice is chump manbear when the moon isn't out.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:29, archived)
# indeed,
4 years ago everyone knew that Bush had lost but he still ended up winning!
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:15, archived)
# This is the way the world ends.
This is the way the world ends.
This is the way the world ends.
Not with a bang but with a snigger.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 14:12, archived)
# Bollocks!
he actually hasn't won quite yet. i still have hope. ::shakes head in shame:: i hate being a yank. i suppose you guys hate TB like we hate GB; perhaps we could start a new country, called nostupidpeopleallowedland. and only *GOOD* b3tans are invited. parent can visit during christmas. for two minutes. they dont actually get to come, they get to wave from a small inflatable raft with fifty of them on it.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 14:46, archived)
# Personally I hate Bush
miles more than I hate Blair.

But they can both cock right off as far as I'm concerned.

(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 14:57, archived)
# Well I think...
...That Bush is actually evil. Blair just seems a bit of a twat.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 16:22, archived)
# Bush is evil...
but I hate Blair more for letting Bush rule us by proxy for the last 4 years (and the next 4) by being unable to make a single decision without begging Uncle Dubya's permission first.

I'd hate Bush less, too, if his insane 'War on Terror' (and Blair's assistance thereof) didn't actually *raise* the risk of terror attacks in Britain. If a bomb goes off in London tomorrow, Bush and Blair are to blame. Al-Queda may be the ones to plant it, but Bush and Blair will be to blame.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 17:34, archived)
# Fantastic idea!
Where's the nearest embassy? I want to apply for immigration right away!
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 18:43, archived)
# But there's still a hope
only bob fucking hope and he's dead

the fuckers won!!

shit..what a cockup
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 16:21, archived)
# ah not yet
there's still the absentee vote and thats enough people to potentially swing it.

And then of course there's the protracted legal battle which will go on for weeks.

/waits impatiently.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 16:43, archived)
# Ha ha!
Not unless Kerry concedes...

Oops! Too late!
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 16:56, archived)
# I'm confused.
Did Bush do something good in their version of the universe?
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 17:17, archived)
# aw

well thats it then

i just want to say to the republican party


(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 17:34, archived)
# wait...
So does that mean they can't get married now?
(, Thu 4 Nov 2004, 0:17, archived)
# despite their supposedly religious inspiration
the neoconservatives in America are without doubt the most dangerous and morally corrupt group around.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 17:26, archived)
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 17:29, archived)
# YEAH WELL this is England not the USA
and we still have freedom of speech here (for now) mate and we can do whatever we want here, so bully for you if it offended your hard right wing sentiments

and cock off!
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 17:37, archived)
# never fucking said you didnt have freedom of speech..
i said the fucking FP is for funny and kool pics...polotics is boring and gay... if i fucking wanted to see shit like this ide acualy wach tv on sundays
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 23:19, archived)
# you
cant spell.
(, Fri 5 Nov 2004, 17:43, archived)
# Woah
Have a guinness and cool it....
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 17:48, archived)
# yeah
i'd like one too
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 17:50, archived)
# Here you go
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 18:33, archived)
# Personally, it's not so much Bush that worries me
as the clear-headed, sensible and sentient spoutings of an apparently large and certainly vocal number of his c(o)untrymen.

HE didn't capture Saddam... HE didn't kill the sons. That's not relevant. I'm shutting up.

But i just thought... if "Hitler had only got one ball" as the song goes, does that mean that the Saddam Juniors only had half a bollock each?
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 17:53, archived)
# Nah...
All the intelligent, cultured states voted for Kerry. It's the rednecks in the south and interior who are married to their sisters, drive pickup trucks and shoot road signs that voted for Monkey Boy.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 18:02, archived)
# yuck,,,
This my friends, is the 51% of the US that voted for Bush. I am so ashamed to be American.
(, Thu 4 Nov 2004, 0:14, archived)
# Don't Blame Me
I didn't vote for him, and my state went to Kerry.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 18:21, archived)
# I voted for Kerry.....
Anyone got a room for me over seas?
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 18:31, archived)
# I'm going to seriously consider
going to Canada when I get done with Uni...
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 18:54, archived)
# i also voted for kerry
and live in massachusetts
now im fucked
and have been seriously considering moving to canada for weeks if bush was to be reelected. i seriously didnt think america could be stupid enough to reelect this fucking shitfaced bastard. see you guys in canada
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 19:45, archived)
# My state went for Kerry, too
And so did I. I think we'll be heading off to Canada soon. Or, is there any more room in Europe? April
(, Thu 4 Nov 2004, 1:39, archived)
# It's
an ill wind that blows nobody any good, as they say, at least that made me smile.


I suspect that in the coming weeks there's going to be a lot of bloodshed in Iraq.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 19:22, archived)
To the world - I'm sorry. In live in the states, but am a Canadian. At least I can move when the shit starts flying down here.

(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 22:32, archived)
# Just goes to show...
There are some people more stupid than he is...
(, Thu 4 Nov 2004, 0:06, archived)
# The stupidity of the candidate
is less than or equal to the stupidity of thsoe who vote for him.
~Sophocles (maybe)
(, Thu 4 Nov 2004, 1:06, archived)
# *SIGH* Welcome to Armageddon
Well...my state, Minnesota, voted against that cunt. We're bordering Canada...can't we just secede and become a part of Canada? They'll never notice...
(, Thu 4 Nov 2004, 1:40, archived)
# Need your help!
Instead of just bitching about it why don't some of you ferners help us out? Nuking The South would be a good start.
(, Thu 4 Nov 2004, 20:17, archived)
# Wow.
How did this ignorant unfunny political "joke", if you will, manage to get on the front page?
(, Thu 4 Nov 2004, 20:36, archived)
# it's a tragedy
and as an embarrassed American who's not so sure she wants to be anymore... apologies to the world for 51% of my countrymen unleashing this monkey on you for another 4 years. I truly can't believe he was re-elected. If it makes you feel any better, we're probably way more screwed than you...
(, Thu 4 Nov 2004, 20:37, archived)