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# staleincense
is going to have to sort out a different host first, as tripod.com don't seem to like us (try tripod.co.uk).
Can't wait for another AYB related effort myself!
(, Sun 20 Oct 2002, 23:00, archived)
# got a tune here by
the laziest men on mars you might be interested in :)
(, Sun 20 Oct 2002, 23:02, archived)
# hell-
(, Sun 20 Oct 2002, 23:06, archived)
# dammit, it's on the work machine and might not
even be by the laziest men on mars.....fucksocks.....evenin btw
(, Sun 20 Oct 2002, 23:12, archived)
# hmm
shall have to look out for that myself. you off now?
(, Sun 20 Oct 2002, 23:15, archived)
# yup. Said CD with the choons
on is in me car and I can't be arsed to get it, what with Furtive guarding the gate an' that. Particularly since I ain't got a CD player in the car......remind me tomorrow by the gift of SMS an I'll send its URL over.
(, Sun 20 Oct 2002, 23:22, archived)
# oh, it's deffo
the laziest men on mars...2 minutes and I'll have a URL for yer...
(, Sun 20 Oct 2002, 23:25, archived)
# YAY!
i don't have your phone number, btw, as i'd procured it for kitten so thought it wasn't right to keep hold of it.
(, Sun 20 Oct 2002, 23:34, archived)
# m3ss3ng3r is
your friend :) Can't be arsed to drag the files up here tonight 'cos I'm fucksocked; I'll send me number to you and Spacefeesh.
(, Sun 20 Oct 2002, 23:39, archived)
# hooray for you!
and goodnight :)
(, Sun 20 Oct 2002, 23:42, archived)
# is it the space robots one?
i like that
(, Sun 20 Oct 2002, 23:07, archived)
# yers, got that one
and a couple of others.....
(, Sun 20 Oct 2002, 23:13, archived)
# ooh!
but what? you must tell me!
(, Sun 20 Oct 2002, 23:15, archived)
# m3ss3ng3r for me number;
remind me in the morning :)
(, Sun 20 Oct 2002, 23:54, archived)