that's no moon (still)

has this been done? not sure, just love mrs spoons face tho.
want to cream on it.
agent-c fulfilling your wants and perverting your needs,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 13:12,
Never been done as far as I know :)
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 13:13,
i see
you'll have to forgive me, i'm new here see so a lot of this is completely alien to me...
OH WOW- it says here that £10000 is just a click away, SEE YA LATER SUCKERS.
agent-c fulfilling your wants and perverting your needs,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 13:18,
that's no pearoast
When the internet was all fields,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 13:40,