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# don't let the conservatives see that
they'll have you gagged

Jeffrey Sachs, a prominent US economist and a special adviser to the UN secretary general, argues in a new book that extreme poverty could be eradicated by 2025.
In The End of Poverty, he says much will depend on the choices made by Americans, who are paying a far smaller share of their income in foreign aid than they promised three years ago, and only a 30th of the 'nearly $500bn [£260bn] the US will spend this year on the military'.

click here for a bit of the book
(, Tue 3 May 2005, 13:41, archived)
# Of course it could be eradicated.
There's enough food, clean water, medicines, housing materials and general stuff to sort out everyone on the planet.

We just don't.
(, Tue 3 May 2005, 13:48, archived)