yeah baby yeah
sometimes I get a pack of each and make gay biscuit sandwiches*.
*possibly untrue
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Fri 3 Jun 2005, 4:36,
sometimes I get a pack of each and make gay biscuit sandwiches*.
*possibly untrue
Yeah, that's it, admit it freely and spoil all my mocking efforts
*shakes fist*
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Fri 3 Jun 2005, 4:37,
*shakes fist*
it's all about branding
if they released a line of biscuits called "GAY! GAY! UP THE BUM! TWICE!", I'd probably buy them too.
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Fri 3 Jun 2005, 4:39,
if they released a line of biscuits called "GAY! GAY! UP THE BUM! TWICE!", I'd probably buy them too.
So what you're saying is
you don't mind where I'm shaking my fist?
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Fri 3 Jun 2005, 4:41,
If you want one meet me in the city on wednesday?
It's quite a treat, and will deepen your understanding of the inner workings of b3tadom.
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Fri 3 Jun 2005, 4:38,
What chinese knock-off jabba cakes or something?
or are you back now?
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Fri 3 Jun 2005, 4:56,
not this Wednesday
as I'm moving house... or rather, cleaning up the old place so I can get the bond back.
We should meet up sometime - Weevilgrl and I both work in the city, don't know exactly how many other b3tan Fucklanders there are...
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Fri 3 Jun 2005, 4:42,
as I'm moving house... or rather, cleaning up the old place so I can get the bond back.
We should meet up sometime - Weevilgrl and I both work in the city, don't know exactly how many other b3tan Fucklanders there are...
Enough for a bash perhaps? hot poop!
I'd never had thought some many superb intellectuals would live in this hole
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Fri 3 Jun 2005, 4:45,
Rapitinui's been cataloguing the NZ B3tans, although I'm not sure how many are JAFAs.
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Fri 3 Jun 2005, 4:57,
I'm certainly not one of those
I'm one of those out of towners
despite my newfound love for jaffa
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Fri 3 Jun 2005, 4:59,
despite my newfound love for jaffa
I count myself a Westie, which is definitely not a full-blown Aucklander.
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Fri 3 Jun 2005, 5:01,
I R Westie too
Getting over Jaffa jealousy
Distract me with the hopes of an Auckland Bash!!!!
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Fri 3 Jun 2005, 5:09,
Getting over Jaffa jealousy
Distract me with the hopes of an Auckland Bash!!!!