Silly bugger. He needs an _oiled_ duck. Then he'll slip through with no problems. They sell them at most petrol stations in case of just this sort of circumstance.
Matazone has new icons, but is keeping this one,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:36,
i'd phone and tell him
but he wouldnt be able to get in and answer it
MCQ Cartoons n' shit: bagowank.com,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:37,
Call his mobile
he'll be able to answer that. If it were an oiled duck then that would cause problems there, because they're too slippery to carry under one arm, but a normal duck, such as that one, will be fine.
Matazone has new icons, but is keeping this one,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:42,
proving once again that
an oiled duck solves anything
Or is it?,
Fri 10 Jun 2005, 1:43,