yeah, we'd need scooters
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Thu 29 Dec 2005, 0:49,
yeah, we'd need scooters

...So there i was, out with friends tonight, good company and beer flowing. Couple of pubs and then into town for a curry...Then it all got a bit awkward, the friends i was out with included family that only get together once a year at this time and i got sucked into a deep family argument, so i chose to make my excuses and leave on my own...
Walking home i got "approached" by a group of five lads who i'd say where in their mid-twenties or older (not chavs). They demanded my wallet "or else". Now, with my experience of the world, maybe helped by the shitholes i've been to and the scum i've come across during a 15 year military career i realised instantly it was shit or bust time...
The trick (for you younger lads) is to go for the BIGGEST guy, so i did, launched in and put him on his arse (i think i may have broken, or at least badly bruised) my hand. Once on the floor the other 4 came towards me...
Now for the second trick...
In your most confident voice and pointy finger tell them in no uncertain terms that, "You either put me in hospital or on my ****ing arse straightaway, or i WILL cane you ALL to within an inch of your life"...
It sounds shit written down but these guys faltered, looked at each other, turned around and virtually RAN away, leaving me in an alley with ****nuts at my feet and my blood pumping...
So what did i do? Stick the boot in? Call the police?
Nope, i helped him up, had a chat, shook his hand and as unbelievably as it may sound he has just left my house having had a cold can of Carling and apologising for his antisocial behaviour.
I've had a lot of mad experiences in this life, but tonight rates right up there...
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Thu 29 Dec 2005, 1:11,
Walking home i got "approached" by a group of five lads who i'd say where in their mid-twenties or older (not chavs). They demanded my wallet "or else". Now, with my experience of the world, maybe helped by the shitholes i've been to and the scum i've come across during a 15 year military career i realised instantly it was shit or bust time...
The trick (for you younger lads) is to go for the BIGGEST guy, so i did, launched in and put him on his arse (i think i may have broken, or at least badly bruised) my hand. Once on the floor the other 4 came towards me...
Now for the second trick...
In your most confident voice and pointy finger tell them in no uncertain terms that, "You either put me in hospital or on my ****ing arse straightaway, or i WILL cane you ALL to within an inch of your life"...
It sounds shit written down but these guys faltered, looked at each other, turned around and virtually RAN away, leaving me in an alley with ****nuts at my feet and my blood pumping...
So what did i do? Stick the boot in? Call the police?
Nope, i helped him up, had a chat, shook his hand and as unbelievably as it may sound he has just left my house having had a cold can of Carling and apologising for his antisocial behaviour.
I've had a lot of mad experiences in this life, but tonight rates right up there...

Glad you got the last laugh by giving him Carling though.
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Thu 29 Dec 2005, 1:14,