at last though. Imagine the horror of telling people you're straight. Ick. They would shun you.
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Sun 8 Jan 2006, 0:32,

i'd love it, i'm trying but i just don't seem to be able to fancy men
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Sun 8 Jan 2006, 0:35,

of some good things about men - but actually, am at a loss.
Well. You know. Gay men dress well, smell nice and have a better sense of humour. They are also better dancers than most straight men i know. Believe me, I used to go clubbing a lot.
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Sun 8 Jan 2006, 0:38,
Well. You know. Gay men dress well, smell nice and have a better sense of humour. They are also better dancers than most straight men i know. Believe me, I used to go clubbing a lot.