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You still won't
all the ladies will sit around looking forlourn and wistful. I suggest you make a Bovine mask.
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Thu 12 Dec 2002, 22:28,
archived )
the mask won't work
without the personality and charisma behind it though - I've already tried
curry monster ,
Thu 12 Dec 2002, 22:31,
archived )
me too
but u have to keep it on otherwise they go away :(
Alpen ,
Thu 12 Dec 2002, 22:33,
archived )
You can fake that,
just say the occasional stupid thing or sarcastic comment, and make references to breasts and crisps.
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Thu 12 Dec 2002, 22:33,
archived )
what a loverly pair
of chipalatas
Alpen ,
Thu 12 Dec 2002, 22:35,
archived )
you should write a book on seduction tips. illustrated obviously :)
rogan ,
Thu 12 Dec 2002, 22:36,
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Like a
'What Ladies Love' type thing.
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Thu 12 Dec 2002, 22:39,
archived )
I was thinking
"how to hypnotise chicks" but whatever works for you ;)
rogan ,
Thu 12 Dec 2002, 22:45,
archived )
yeah that is a *really* good idea
Eat more crisps! I'm the handsomest bloke on the board. crikey I never realised it was so easy being bovine! :)
curry monster ,
Thu 12 Dec 2002, 22:43,
archived )
Keep mentioning
The Trombone Voodoo Quartet and other things that I go on about. Ladies love all that.
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Thu 12 Dec 2002, 22:44,
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