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The new fragrance..
drgonzo2012 Tell me about the rabbits ,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 19:33,
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But she munts, horribly
bogus official shove it up your cunt ,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 19:35,
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hence the 'horsey' face referance. Is it too subtle?
drgonzo2012 Tell me about the rabbits ,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 19:36,
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Nope, not at all
bogus official shove it up your cunt ,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 19:37,
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I think putting her face on a horse would have been overkill.
drgonzo2012 Tell me about the rabbits ,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 19:39,
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if my server wasnt down id be reposting my 'pretentious' one :o/
I_am_B ,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 19:35,
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Spot on!
She is a fucking mong!
El_Jamer ooh Zippy! ,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 19:35,
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ha nice
she does have quite a large nose, do you know she had surgery to shorten it as a child? Imagine how big it was in the first place!
Absynth&Cheese Have you tasted my Jesus ,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 19:39,
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Shorter than it is now?
(Seeing as she was a child.)
Izzard ,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 19:41,
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well i say child it was more like 16
which is still a child in the eyes of the law, even though you can smoke and have children, and in the case of some council estate types both at the same time
Absynth&Cheese Have you tasted my Jesus ,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 19:43,
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Why would anyone want to smell like
An ugly warty chin rug muncher?
Hauptman Von Butter Kasse You are all a bunch of mincing pansies ,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 20:32,
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best of all the perfumes!
Ravenous Bugblatter Beast This content may not be working. Please try again. ,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 20:38,
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ha ha ha, or...
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 20:39,
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most woosome!
drgonzo2012 Tell me about the rabbits ,
Fri 17 Mar 2006, 21:33,
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