there was a front page of this comic cover with superman saying something about it going in dry...
so this may well be his version of the same gag - credit to him for that...
but credit taken away again for reposting it in a new thread
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on,
Sun 19 Mar 2006, 12:37,
Hangs head in shame
Sun 19 Mar 2006, 12:38,
you wont win blind date again by reposting in new threads...
bung em in existing threads to keep the really new stuff on the board
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on,
Sun 19 Mar 2006, 12:40,
I won Blind Date once
...he was perfect, but neither of us were really looking for a relationship so we went our seperate ways
Jessie © needs pirate name suggestions,
Sun 19 Mar 2006, 12:44,
Can you really "win" Blinda Date tho?
I mean everyome kinda loses.
If only i'd known.
Sun 19 Mar 2006, 12:45,