Lovely tea
tea is refreshing, it quenches your thirst when you're parched, cools you down when you're hot and heats you up when you're cold. Tea.
The Duke of Prunes,
Thu 4 May 2006, 11:25,
What would life be
Without Tea. I see your Huspag and raise you a Huspag and a Teabag.
Tealord - the Tesco Value David Tennant.,
Thu 4 May 2006, 11:40,
I went to a Tea Plantation in Sri Lanka a while ago, they had a sign like that.. 'If you are excited, tea will calm you down', 'If you are depressed, tea will cheer you up'.. basically Tea can do anything!
Finite "Aardvark sorted out my shit!" on,
Thu 4 May 2006, 11:37,