And none of that sneaky use of
the Marquess of Huffington's double-switchback manouevre. Shame I'm at yoga when it's on, I shall have to use the handy 'listen again' feature.
EDIT: Helllloooooo! *mwah*
in vino veritas,
Mon 22 May 2006, 13:46,
or the Sunday repeat
12:04 Radio 4
Sir Aunty Grampa Dave the Hat - enjoying a post-meridian muncheon - Ta! Cannaoogim!?,
Mon 22 May 2006, 13:47,
I'm a listen again chap...
and my trusty minidisc player records every minute!
Zaphod's Wombat - Never did quite get the hang of,
Mon 22 May 2006, 13:48,