i met a 20 yr old norweigan girl the othe night. she came back to my flat, but started shivering a lot. kinda freaked me out. i wrapped her in a blanket and rubbed her but she still shivered. so i gave her whiskey.
does anyone want to know how this story ends ?
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 22:11,
does anyone want to know how this story ends ?

she robbed you of all your worldly possessions to buy heroin?
i do.
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 22:12,
i do.

well - i try to be a gentleman, and i say...
"go crash in my bed, and i'll sleep on the sofa"
you may think i'm a cockhead, and fair enough too, but i actually wouldn't take advantage of a girl in a bad state. anyway, she says..
"no i don't mind - come sleep with me"
so i shrug and say "OK" - and we go into my rooom. i strip down to my boxers, and we both get in.
is anyone listening to this ?
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 22:16,
"go crash in my bed, and i'll sleep on the sofa"
you may think i'm a cockhead, and fair enough too, but i actually wouldn't take advantage of a girl in a bad state. anyway, she says..
"no i don't mind - come sleep with me"
so i shrug and say "OK" - and we go into my rooom. i strip down to my boxers, and we both get in.
is anyone listening to this ?

Dose she cut off your willy (small as it is...) and stab you, or dose something beter happen?
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 22:22,

we get and in bed and all hell breaks loose. she had kept her clothes on (to keep warm i think) and we kind of wiggled and piggled. after an hour i had her clothes off. every now and again i'd give up and roll over, my old fella tired of the teasing, but she'd just grab it and away we'd go. so, for a couple of hours we just folled around. very fun.
in the morning, as she downloaded a few songs from kazaa on my shiny new dell, i asked her if she was a virgin.
and do you know what she said ? .....
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Sun 5 Jan 2003, 22:29,
in the morning, as she downloaded a few songs from kazaa on my shiny new dell, i asked her if she was a virgin.
and do you know what she said ? .....