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# Awake in a glass prison.
I shout louder and louder until
(, Fri 17 Nov 2006, 22:16, archived)
# I die.
(, Fri 17 Nov 2006, 22:18, archived)
# I wanted to be a typewriter mender when I grew up,
But things didn’t work out so. Sleep
Late in the morning, climb up Mt. Olympia and replace a Return:
But I didn’t get enough good grades.
My uncle Peter had the Parthenon Business Machine Remediation outfit,
And right there, on the shop floor,
Hundreds of electric-selectrics, all messed up:
But I didn’t get enough good grades.
I had a dexadrine hyperactivity selective
Attend to relevant
Information tempo taken in told to
Mechanism coping concept
Put my head down crumple my paper.
Sent to look at the future-job folder-binders,
I got distracted by the graphs.
In the resource room Mrs. Petorsky re-enforced me:
Raisins from her zip-lock bag,
And free time after my target behavior I was positive about:
Tickets, tangibles, chips and stars.

/Fiery Furnaces
(, Fri 17 Nov 2006, 22:21, archived)