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EDIT- Is that Doug? What series? I don't remember that...
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:19,
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and boo :P how are we today? edit: I don't know. Probably.
McBadger COW ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:20,
archived )
I'm fine
I don't know about everyone else. I are been away deciding what I wants for my spluffday. ;-) Thyself?
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:21,
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oh, happy spluffday
for when it occurs. I'm grand, just skiving work!
McBadger COW ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:22,
archived )
In ten days it does
Does anyone know where I can get a Hooters girlie top in the UK?
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:23,
archived )
mail order from Hooters website?
mr horrible up yours, dickface ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:24,
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from hooters?
there is a hooters in birmingham, so there might be more, i assume you've tried the internet?
mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:24,
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that closed more than 5 years ago
mr horrible up yours, dickface ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:26,
archived )
i wandered past it once, it was in that office complex by the canal
mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:27,
archived )
that could describe anywhere, given that Brum has more miles of canal than Venice
however, it was in Paradise Forum, which kind of fits that description. And now it's a Wetherspoons.
mr horrible up yours, dickface ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:32,
archived )
what about
shocktees? there must be somewhere you can go, or eGay
McBadger COW ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:25,
archived )
ahhh eGay
for the future when online gigolos are common place.
Master Of Turnips. Only gays and morons believe in ghosts. ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:27,
archived )
hello there
and happy b3taday! 'gives cayke'
McBadger COW ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:29,
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:) woo my first cake...
only took 4 years :)
Master Of Turnips. Only gays and morons believe in ghosts. ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:30,
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lurk less!
took me ages to come out of the b3ta closet
McBadger COW ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:32,
archived )
I have been lurking less
I've been on the stats board for the last week :)
Master Of Turnips. Only gays and morons believe in ghosts. ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:33,
archived )
Not guaranteed though
Especially the quality- I'm very aware of that now after I bought a brill pantera wifebeater and the print came off it's white backing and left me with a weird white blob on a black vest. Woo frigging hoo.... So yeah, I'm being careful.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:28,
archived )
A dirty cunt shrivelled balls ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:26,
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Ta, but I need it to be a vest like the hooters girls wear. I realise this will make me A Slut, but pfft, I don't care.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:29,
archived )
save some cash
go topless
mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:30,
archived )
That's not fair on anybody.
Least of all me in this weather. Right, I'm going for a ciggie.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:33,
archived )
*comes along*
Ironman tetsuo Back once again with the renegade mastah! ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:36,
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fur lined bra
mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:37,
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Still, there's the rest of me to consider
And I am somewhat of a porpoise. Hmmmmmm. *thinks* Damn it, I've just always wanted a hooters tank top.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:41,
archived )
yay for sluts
Nowt wrong with that *imagines* *goes for cold shower*
A dirty cunt shrivelled balls ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:30,
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cut the sleeves off!
customisation is the way to go
McBadger COW ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:30,
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Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:43,
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I think it's series 2
where he starts to work in the morgue, and one of the corpses comes back to life. i think JD is in the bag.
Master Of Turnips. Only gays and morons believe in ghosts. ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:22,
archived )
*doesn't remember that one* Is that when the guy with the eye on the wonk is singing?
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:24,
archived )
I have a friend called Fuck
He knows.
Master Of Turnips. Only gays and morons believe in ghosts. ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:24,
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fanny pack
Thor_sonofodin has done things, terrible things on ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:22,
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Genital area carrying device
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:26,
archived )
packs a fanny
Ironman tetsuo Back once again with the renegade mastah! ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 15:27,
archived )
think it's series 4
or possibly early series 5 JD is hiding from someone, gets into the lift in the bodybag and starts moving so doug beats him
cs192 is sucking on a Koala at ,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 17:19,
archived )
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