I'm 22.
and I go to bed when I want.
*wanted to join in*
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous,
Wed 21 Feb 2007, 15:19,
that does it!
*puts pj's on her*
*makes bottle*
*reads story*
*puts captain to bed*
ivesb Highly specialised Clinical Physiologist crapbag,
Wed 21 Feb 2007, 15:21,
you'll go to bed when i tell you to young lady!
Aphex The Mink Snackless,
Wed 21 Feb 2007, 15:21,
Well thats no good!
*puts capt.Wow to bed at 6:30 sharp*
*edit* ok, too many of us are too eager to take wow to bed
AutoPrawn is glad we're living in the future now,
Wed 21 Feb 2007, 15:22,