it a start
they did remind me the job was in exeter and i said it ok i have family down there so can relocate.
hooray! i'm gonna see about having monday off and then go down for the weekend.
Thor_sonofodin has done things, terrible things on,
Wed 28 Feb 2007, 13:45,
bilbobarneybobs I'll be 14 in b3ta years soon.,
Wed 28 Feb 2007, 13:46,
best of luck mate!
would a new job mean less b3taering?
ivesb Highly specialised Clinical Physiologist crapbag,
Wed 28 Feb 2007, 13:47,
it might do
*cries a little*
Thor_sonofodin has done things, terrible things on,
Wed 28 Feb 2007, 14:03,
another stats rival out the picture!
ivesb Highly specialised Clinical Physiologist crapbag,
Wed 28 Feb 2007, 14:07,