Your show of love for my love of discomeat's love of the way I reply to Wildyles's reply about my reply about loving his Hobby Horse animations
Touches me greatly
(bilbobarneybobsI'll be 14 in b3ta years soon.,
Mon 2 Apr 2007, 11:16,
But where does it touch you?
That his show of love for your show of love of discomeat's love of the way you reply to Wildyle's reply about your reply about loving his Hobby Horse animations?
Also Ning :D
(ChorizowagonCame wandering back on,
Mon 2 Apr 2007, 11:20,
in the special place
(bilbobarneybobsI'll be 14 in b3ta years soon.,
Mon 2 Apr 2007, 11:25,
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