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# what's with the anti-gingerness? is it just a lazy subsititute for casual rascism?
I mean, yeah, ginger fellas are all mingers, I can't think of a single ginger bloke that tickles my bell but ginger ladies are no better or worse than any other sort of ladies

but nevermind that have a

for the silly picture
(, Thu 10 May 2007, 10:21, archived)
Ginger ladies are, of course, better.
(, Thu 10 May 2007, 10:22, archived)
# well yeah
(but don't tell Mrs Vmos I said that)
(, Thu 10 May 2007, 10:27, archived)
# i'm a ginger male.
(, Thu 10 May 2007, 10:27, archived)
# I'm kinda glad I don't 'tickle your bell'
(, Thu 10 May 2007, 10:33, archived)