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# DrZaaelon should first learn to talk in the 1st person.
And then get with the programme and not be such a n00b as he's embarrassing himself with his own ignorance..
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 10:30, archived)
# DrZaarlon...
...Asks riverghost Not To Make Him Switch to His Other Account! ;?)

(, Tue 15 May 2007, 10:32, archived)
# Riverghost do it, ask him I dare you
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 10:38, archived)
# Well please if you can worth up the mental effort to deal with a keyboard.
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 10:41, archived)
# DrZaarlon's...
Other Account Would Have To Get Naked, As It Would Be His 1000'th Post.

So He Agrees, Not Doing So Is Probably For The Best ;?)
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 10:43, archived)
# Not particularly fussed
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 10:47, archived)
# No, he's not.
While I - sorry, I'll start again.


While friendlyfire will always be glad to hear Mr Thomas opine and/or advise, he must agree that if it's not a pic, it don't belong on this here board. That's what the talk board is for.

(Friendlyfire is ever-so-slightly mortified to find he's become the guy who tells people off for b3tan incorrectitude.)
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 10:40, archived)
# Have you never been here on a tuesday morning?
I do this every week. And I think the many people that have ended up with DVD recorders, plasma screen TVs etc that wouldn't have if I hadn't or either tracked them down or they'd seen from the scanned pages, would agree with you.

Also I suggest you read the faq and show me exactly where it says every post must contain an image.

Your contribution to the board has been so mush over the years that your profile says you, that I have no idea who you are.
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 10:45, archived)
# Although Now Apparently Ignored By Riverghost...
...DrZaarlon Posts The Following For The Sake Of Completeness:

"Is it OK to post a new message on the main board without a picture?

Yes, you are allowed to post messages of all kinds on the messageboard. Please be considerate to others though, the board only holds 15 threads at a time and it's not fair to push somebody else's hard work into the archive just so you can say, "Ha ha ha... I bought new shoes."

If you just want to talk nonsense and chat to people, then you should go to the talk board where you can gabber on about anything you like and not worry about upsetting the people who make pictures."

This Is A Guideline Certainly. Not A Rule.
However, A B3tan Of Fewer Years Would Most Certainly Have Been Attacked For Lack Of Image.

DrZaarlon, Is Also Unsure Why He Is Particularly Bothered By This Today.

(, Tue 15 May 2007, 10:50, archived)
# calm down dear.
it's only the internet.
(, Tue 15 May 2007, 10:52, archived)