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# I think you could
easily argue for evolution using the ol' 'Common Sense' argument. It just makes a heapload more sense than creationism.

I do find it extremely unlikely that we'll ever know about all of the whole nuts-and-bolts of 4 billion years worth of development here on earth.
But it is extremely likely that it wasn't due to some omniscient chap one day going 'BANG! And the people have arrived!' and everthing appearing all
of a sudden, like. That's just a bit silly. Unless he was David Copperfield.
(, Thu 14 Jun 2007, 11:25, archived)
# Personally
I tend towards believing that the Universe is so complex and unlikely that a creator is the most likely Occam's Razor option.

I also happen to think that something along the lines of evolution (I don't think we are anywhere near understanding it properly yet) was the mechanism used to get to where we are now, life-wise.

The 7 days thing is clearly parable. for 7 stages or whatever I guess.

Science already agrees with that account in Genesis. The order things happened in, anyway.
(, Thu 14 Jun 2007, 11:31, archived)
# True.
It's 'Revelations' though that this crowd take for their evidence, which was written by John whilst trapped on an island and quite clearly smacked off his tits for the whole time.
(, Thu 14 Jun 2007, 11:41, archived)
# Indeedy!
I believe there's some sense in some words in the Bible, if, and only if you don't take them literally.

My opinion on am "Almighty Creator" is that there may well be one. Who am I to say otherwise? But I really don't believe he would take the form that
so many devout Christian types believe he would. I reckon a creator could even be something as removed from our tiny little planet
as a scientist in a laboratory creating a new Universe (or billions and billions of 'em) when he flicks a switch on a particle accelerator,
inadvertantly becoming "God" to countless trillions of civilsations.

Imagine the responsiblity!
(, Thu 14 Jun 2007, 11:42, archived)
# or perhaps an existing universe
spurted this one into existence
(, Thu 14 Jun 2007, 11:48, archived)
# pffft
you said *spurt*!

/brings the whole conversation down a few notches blog
(, Thu 14 Jun 2007, 11:52, archived)
# I didn't even know it could get any lower
what with being all about complete nonsense and all

(, Thu 14 Jun 2007, 12:03, archived)