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# This doesn't work.
If the Henry says that he lies all the time and that he tells the truth all the time then he can be neither of these, in which case they are both lies and therefore he did not abuse the pot.

This means that the pot must be lying about the Henry abusing him, but the sofa states that he lies half the time AND the pot lies half the time and these cannot be true unless the pot also lies all the time.

If this is the case then the sofa would have to tell the truth all the time which he clearly doesn't.

Unless The Pot is unaware that he is wrong about Henry it just doesn't work.
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 22:58, archived)
# The pot could
well be unaware, he's very naive
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 23:07, archived)
# I think that pot knows more than it's letting on
a lot more
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 23:08, archived)
# *takes immediate advantage*
(, Mon 18 Jun 2007, 23:09, archived)