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# thanks...
animate the flames hard!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 6:27, archived)
# *scared
will takes ages to do....then some git will say "Bindun"
Or worse.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 6:29, archived)
# so?
you shopping for them or you?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 6:33, archived)
# this is truth.
*sets to work

(worked the smoking ban last night....busiest area of the whole club was the open air smoking terrace..rammed full to the gunnels of smokers and non smokers, maddest scene ive ever seen)
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 6:35, archived)
# you'll be surprised how fast that'll change.
smokers here adapted quite quickly: "might as well give it up, was thinking about doing so anyway...."
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 7:35, archived)
# everything i do, i do it for you
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 7:02, archived)
# you are bryan adams.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 7:34, archived)