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# Me Gecko

Says Ning
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:26, archived)
# *teases with locust*

*gets bitten*

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:30, archived)
# *wants*
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:30, archived)
# BBC news
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:35, archived)
# is that Richard and Judy?
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:35, archived)
# "I'm taking me mam home now, she's had one too many babychams"
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:38, archived)
# hahaha
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:40, archived)