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# hahaha yea

I now want that to be the Master regenerated but played by Eddie Izzard :D

Cake or Death Doctor...Cake..ok Damn!!
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:58, archived)
# he was on the shortlist for playing the Doctor before Ecclestone got it :)
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 9:59, archived)
# yea I heard that, but I think he'd make a great bad guy :D
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:01, archived)
# he's had enough practise in other films as a bad guy, he'll get it right eventually
Doctor Who could be just his thing....

A Tranvestite Rani maybe, she regenerates into Izzard. that'd be right up Russell T Davies' street that would...

(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:03, archived)
# That woyuld be good
But he'd make a much better Master.

I like Simm, but he (probably under orders) camped it far too much.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2007, 10:01, archived)