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# Homemade hamburgers
In a crusty roll with romaine lettuce, cherry tomatoes and English mustard. Real chips (made from potatoes out of the garden, dug up about 30 mins ago) and organic peas on the side.
(, Fri 12 Oct 2007, 13:10, archived)
# :o
Sir, I am in awe. And a great big puddle of drool.
(, Fri 12 Oct 2007, 13:18, archived)
# give this man lunch of the day!

(, Fri 12 Oct 2007, 13:26, archived)
# fucking magic!

(, Fri 12 Oct 2007, 13:21, archived)
# Congratulations sir, you've won the coveted Lunch Of The Day!
I shall forward your badge onto you as soon as my spazzy image host decides to start feckin' working again!!!

Edit: here you go :D
(, Fri 12 Oct 2007, 13:37, archived)