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# Today I haff eaten
A pepperoni and cheese hot baguette
A bag of Walkers™ Sunbites™ (oven roasted onion and rosemary flavour)
A bananananana
3 Lockets to soothe my gammy throat
(, Fri 12 Oct 2007, 13:12, archived)
# I'm sensing a cheat!
Was that for lunch, or during the day so far?
If for lunch, then tis a fine one, but if spread out then I fear you are about to starve to death. Or worse!
(, Fri 12 Oct 2007, 13:21, archived)
# Nope, all eaten for lunch
in one sitting :) *pats belly*
(, Fri 12 Oct 2007, 13:25, archived)