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# I took this picture
in my girlfriend's garden.

click for big

Spiders freak me out at the best of times, but poisonous spiders really give me the fear.
(, Sat 24 Nov 2007, 21:26, archived)
# I instantly regretted clicking for big then
That really is quite an awesome find in a garden though
(, Sat 24 Nov 2007, 21:28, archived)
# I don't know if I have a real fear of them
but i certainly have a healthy respect. I wasn't going to pick it up and play with it anyway,

Black widow web is pretty cool though - it's incredibly strong compared to normal spider web - it feels like strands of human hair.
(, Sat 24 Nov 2007, 21:31, archived)
# Mine's a real fear, unfortunately, and quite an irrational one really.
I live next to a wooded area and large field, which in the summer attracts literally thousands of the buggers around the area and house.
I should be used to them - and to a degree, the tiny ones - I am. I just go really cold though and then freeze, very silly really, but
I guess it's healthy to be scared of something :)
(, Sat 24 Nov 2007, 21:34, archived)
# Yes
that would rattle me!
(, Sat 24 Nov 2007, 21:32, archived)